Entrance Test for admissions in various classes will be conducted on 10 March 2024. Applications are invited for the Post of Teaching and non teaching staff, Last date is 28 june 2024

Thought of the Day : “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel” ? Socrates


Welcome to Army Public School - Rajouri

In today's competitive environment and the need to provide meaningful education to a large number of children, desirous of growing into educated and liberated human beings has been fulfilled by ARMY GOODWILL PUBLIC SCHOOL, RAJOURI. Army Goodwill Public School, Rajouri is on the path of progress with global education fostering Character building and nuturing the scientific temperament and strengthing social bonds is our constant endeavour. Founded and managed by distinguished members and luminaries of society, ARMY GOODWILL PUBLIC SCHOOL, RAJOURI is on the path of progress with their visionary approach and lofty ideas. It has become significant portal of learning and growth of young minds. Surging ahead with a spirit of healthy competition , Balancing a successful career teamed with a contented life, is the gift we give all our children. To identity the flower in the bud, to recognize the potential of each child, to appreciate specific and individual requirement, and to respond to it with passion and sensitivity is the mission of ARMY GOODWILL PUBLIC SCHOOL, RAJOURI.

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